So I wake up to text message from my girl friend, that she's going to be arriving in the little town where I'm lodging, to participate in the 51st annual National Choir Competition held at Vittorio Veneto's "Lorenzo Da Ponte" Theater! So, obviously I was pretty excited because I hadn't seen her or her son for quite some time. I jumped up looked up the Theater on google to see how far it was from where I was staying and low and behold, it was about a 10 minute walk! I messaged her to say that I'll be there to cheer her and her Choir on.  (They are in the blue tunics in the photo above (Notenere Gospel Choir)) 

Now mind you none of this was in my plans for the day and actually I had scheduled a FB phone meeting for 3pm which I was going to have to cut short because I had to be there by 4pm when the Notenere Gospel Choir would be competing. So to give you a flashback of my conversation 2 days prior with Exclusif Entertainment, I told them that I had no plans and that I would be free to meet.  (Of course as the universe would work it, I really was not going to be available)   

So I arrive to the venue about 5 minutes late and the "Notenere Gospel Choir" had already started to sing.  I'm looking for the correct door to enter in and the young lady informs me that because they have started I could not enter in.  So needless to say I tried to tell her the story about my girlfriend being a part of the choir and that I came for this very reason. Well she wasn't having it and did not let me enter.  As I'm standing there with this look on my face of total disappointment I hear someone call my name, and to my surprise it was someone from another choir (Coro Getsemani) that was also competing that I had given a master class and sang with them in concert several years ago during the Christmas holidays! I was very happy to see them and they too were happy to see me.  They said that they had never forgotten our time together and asked if they could take a photo which is up above.   

So the moral of the story is that if I had been able to go inside I would not have seen Coro Getesmani. Now the young lady that would not let me in, noticed that everyone was approaching me and asking if they could take a photo with me even down to the woman that organized the event, and she wanted to know who I was. Lol which was a lesson to her that you never know who you are conversing with.:-) Oh, and by the way I never did get to see my girlfriend:-( 

Funny, I've been so busy that I have not had time to post this. So you can still leave any comments you wish....and remember sharing is sexy!