Hmmmmm, Oh yes, you know sometimes we can be in the middle of trying to find something, or listening to a song, or watching a movie and Puff!!! out of no where we'll be flooded with memories of a loved one, a friend, a co-worker, or an enemy for that matter, and it may take you off guard the emotions that surge through you at that moment, so unexpectedly.  

Which brings me to the reason why I'm writing this blog.  Yesterday I was busy going through my bills, paperwork, mail that was stacked to the ceiling, reading letters when it all happened out of nowhere, I found myself crying like a baby wanting my Daddy back, you see I was his little girl (even though I didn't grow up with him in the same house) but I loved him like I loved no other man:-), you know how girls are about their fathers. 

It seems just like Yesterday that I was laying in his arms on the couch sleeping as if I was a little girl and then waking up and seeing him looking down on me with that smile on his face., it seems just like it was Yesterday...when we held onto each other and busted out in laughter so hard we were crying and holding our bellies, yes it seems just like it was Yesterday, but that was 7 months ago when he made his transition, I am so happy when I think back on how he was one of the first persons to hear my finished EP Just Say I Love Him and after listening to it he said (you know what you are singing your a**** off:-) he always had a mouth like a sailor as they say.  So if your out there and you find yourself in an unexpected moment, I know how your feeling and sometimes it may hurt, but just be thankful for the good memories, and it will put a smile on your face and peace in your heart.

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